S.A. AGRICULTORES DE LA VEGA DE VALENCIA has successfully passed the Legal Audit in matters of prevention of Labour Risks

S.A. AGRICULTORES DE LA VEGA DE VALENCIA has successfully passed the Legal Audit in matters of prevention of Labour Risks

Presentation of the new vehicles fleet.

Presentation of the new vehicles fleet.

Benicarlò´filter system is up and running.

Benicarlò´filter system is up and running.

The General Directorate of Family and Women gives us the use of the seal ‘Fent Empresa.  Iguals en Oportunitats”

The General Directorate of Family and Women gives us the use of the seal ‘Fent Empresa. Iguals en Oportunitats”

New park ‘Adolfo Suárez’ in Guadalajara

New park ‘Adolfo Suárez’ in Guadalajara

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Society’s Shareholders “SOCIEDAD ANONIMA AGRICULTORES DE LA VEGA DE VALENCIA” to be held on 5th May 2015

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Society’s Shareholders “SOCIEDAD ANONIMA AGRICULTORES DE LA VEGA DE VALENCIA” to be held on 5th May 2015

Special cleaning device for Fallas Festival

Special cleaning device for Fallas Festival

For another year SAV sponsors the campaign #aDarLaLata from City Hall, Valencia.  Donate your tin cans at the mascletà and win an iPhone 6!

For another year SAV sponsors the campaign #aDarLaLata from City Hall, Valencia. Donate your tin cans at the mascletà and win an iPhone 6!

The gardening department of SAV planted a number of orange trees at the main entrance of the City Hall in Valencia.

The gardening department of SAV planted a number of orange trees at the main entrance of the City Hall in Valencia.